
Flower Bouquet

Flower Bouquet


 Flower Bouquet A and B (A $600 , B $800 options for each design )

Photos are for reference only and client can state colour for bouquets.

Order lead time : at least 3 days ahead , we will produce foamboard and order flower , allow time for conditioning of flower

Flower orders are from NUFLEUR 

Managed by The HK Academy of Flower Arrangement 

N/A 尚有庫存 不提供 . , .


Flower orders are from NUFLEUR 

Managed by The HK Academy of Flower Arrangement 

Flower Classes are offered at :

The Hong Kong Academy of Flower Arrangement 

– can send as Gift Voucher 

Or client attend themselves

– Locations : 

Wan Chi、Tsim Sha Tsui、 Wong Chuk Hang

You may hyperlink to the course Content if they want to know what’s in the course :



Flower Bouquet

Flower Bouquet A, Flower Bouquet B, Flower Bouquet C